
adversary [ˈædvəsəri]  [ˈædvərseri] 


adversary 基本解释


名词对手,敌手; 魔鬼

adversary 相关例句



1. The once friendly countries became adversaries in the war.

adversary 网络解释

1. 对方当事人对手:adventurer 冒险家 | adversary 对方当事人;对手 | adversary 对方当事人对手

adversary 词典解释

1. 敌手;对手
    Your adversary is someone you are competing with, or arguing or fighting against.

    e.g. Elliott crossed the finish line just half a second behind his adversary...
    e.g. His political adversaries were creating a certain amount of trouble for him.

adversary 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The United States doesn't see China on the rise as an adversary, said Clinton.

2. It is a fitting choice for a manager whose language is flecked with military terms, and whose next adversary is France on Wednesday.

3. It is a fitting choice for a manager whose language is flecked with military terms, and whose next adversary is France tomorrow.

4. adversary的解释

4. The young master asks one question after another, doing his best to raise difficult questions his linguistic adversary cannot answer.

5. Romney said if elected he can treat China as a partner, not an adversary because China has similar interests to the US.

6. adversary

6. The world's biggest software company has made its point known that IBM is a formidable adversary during internal meetings.

7. LONDON - Former world number one Serena Williams said she was sad that her old adversary Justine Henin will be missing from Wimbledon this year.

8. Only 20 percent of the respondents said China was the biggest threat to the US, and 22 percent described China as an adversary.

9. adversary

9. But the Manchester United manager is far too wily an operator to celebrate victory over any adversary prematurely.

10. Such capacity can deter any potential adversary should China's national interests be encroached upon.

adversary 英英释义



1. someone who offers opposition

    Synonym: antagonist opponent opposer resister