
aerosols ['eərəsɒlz]  ['eərəsɒlz] 


aerosols 基本解释
喷雾剂;<化>气溶胶( aerosol的名词复数 );浮粒;喷雾器;
aerosols 网络解释

1. 喷雾:率.肉类腌制时加硝.是人类对保存食物技术上的一大成就.因硝能遏阻肉毒素(bolulison)之生长.肉毒素是极毒的物质.未发明用硝以前.常是吃腐肉致死的原因.但硝却增加罹患胃癌之机率.(三)有毒气体或喷雾(aerosols)亦有与肺不发生作用

2. 气溶胶:气溶胶(Aerosols)空气中悬浮的固态或液态颗粒的总称,典型大小为0.01~10微米,能在空气中滞留至少几个小时. 气溶胶是液体或固体微粒悬浮于气体分散介质中形成的一种溶胶,它在人们心目中是不起眼的小东西,

3. 气雾剂:气雾剂(aerosols)是利用低沸点发射剂急剧气化时所产生的高速气流将药液分散雾化的一种缺罐装制剂. 常用的有油质气雾剂和水质气雾剂两大类. 前者是以油为溶剂的油状均相液体,后者是以水分为分散介质的不乳剂或水悬液.

aerosols 单语例句

1. aerosols

1. The warning comes after researchers investigated the effect of fine particles known as aerosols on climate change.

2. Cutting down on aerosols by improving air quality means that the Earth will in future be less shielded against the sun's rays.

3. Aerosols such as black carbon and dust particles seem to have a greater effect on the Tibetan Plateau's snow than does anthropogenic climate change.

4. They then were exposed to daily ovalbumin aerosols for 5 days in a row.

5. He and his fellow Chinese researchers analyzed records of Huashan Mountain dating back 50 years, and observed a trend of reduced precipitation and increased aerosols.

6. aerosols

6. Glory was intended to improve NASA's understanding of how the sun and tiny atmospheric particles called aerosols affect Earth's climate.

7. They also said it is imperative to observe and monitor black carbon aerosols, a greenhouse gas caused by fossil fuels and blamed for increasing greenhouse effect.