after hours

after hours

after hours 基本解释


after hours 网络解释


1. 下班后:于是,他拍摄了一部短小的黑色喜剧片 <<下班后>>(After Hours),影片讲述了纽约大街上一夜之间发生的事情. 随后他前往芝加哥拍摄<<金钱本色>>(The Color of Money,1986年),该片是1961年的影片<<江湖浪子>>(The Hustler)的续集,

2. 三更半夜:那时我刚看过马丁.斯科塞斯的<<三更半夜>>(After Hours),那是一部剧本由电影学院的两名学生写的作品. 讲述主角一晚滞留在苏豪区(Soho,伦敦的一个商业区)的故事. 于是,我用了两三个晚上,编写了一个关于主角迷失在香港九龙城寨的故事,

3. 下班之後:于是,他拍摄了一部短小的黑色喜剧片 <<下班之后>>('After Hours'),影片讲述了纽约大街上一夜之间发生的事情. 随后他前往芝加哥拍摄<<金钱本色>>('The Color of Money',1986年),该片是1961年的影片<<江湖浪子>>('The Hustler')的续集,

4. 办公(营业)时间以后:about to正要,即将 | after hours办公(营业)时间以后 | before long不久以后;很快

after hours 单语例句

1. Fortress and Nelson did not return calls from The Associated Press after business hours.

2. A spokesman for the New York Fed wasn't available for comment after regular business hours on Monday.

3. after hours的翻译

3. Once he clears waivers after 48 business hours, teams will be eligible to sign him.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. An operator with Aramco said there was no one available at the company to comment after business hours.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. Spokeswoman Jennifer Erickson didn't return a call seeking comment after business hours on Wednesday.

6. Calls to Sharif's publicist and Anderson's lawyer after business hours were not immediately returned.

7. after hours

7. A telephone message left with Kim's publicist after regular business hours was not immediately returned.

8. A telephone call made after business hours Monday to the magazine's Los Angeles office was not immediately returned.

9. Alcohol can initially make people sleepy, but then they wake up after a few hours.

10. after hours是什么意思

10. The three terminals at the airport were subsequently shut down for six hours after a bystander who witnessed the incidence notified TSA officials.

after hours 英英释义

after hours的反义词


1. not during regular hours

    e.g. he often worked after hours