1. After paying a cash deposit, real estate shoppers can sign up to take part in the auctions.
2. Chen said Chinese seismologists were evaluating possible impacts on China's coastline after a massive tsunami had hit part of Japan.
3. Chen said Chinese seismologists are evaluating possible impacts on China's coastline after a massive tsunami had hit part of Japan.
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4. Hong Kong has regained its status as part of China after more than one and a half centuries under British colonial rule.
5. SAP decided not to renew his contract after SAP's finances suffered, in part because of price hikes Apotheker implemented that many customers resisted.
6. He chased after her and as part of courtship, she was offered roles in Thai films.
7. Under current regulations, mainland Chinese may only enter Taiwan as part of organised tourist groups after transiting elsewhere.
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8. The decision was part of a statement released after a State Council executive meeting on Oct 26.
9. A Western diplomat told Reuters the assailant fired a few shots before escaping after the shooting in an affluent part of Amman.
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10. Doctors postponed an operation due to restore part of Sharon's skull after detecting a slight infection in his respiratory tract.