
agave [əˈgeɪvi]  [əˈgɑ:vi] 

agave 基本解释


agave 网络解释


1. 阿高厄:(ll.975-978)金色阿佛洛狄特之女哈尔摩尼亚(Harmonia),在城墙坚固的忒拜为卡德摩...斯生下了伊诺(ino).塞墨勒(Semele),脸蛋漂亮的阿高厄(Agave)与长头发的阿里斯泰...俄斯(Aristaeus)结婚的奥托诺厄(Autonoe),

2. 龙舌兰属:龙舌兰属植物是美洲特有的植物,常见栽培的属有:[龙舌兰属](Agave)叶长短不一,稍肉质,旋叠于茎基,叶缘和叶尖有刺. 穗状花序高达10米以上 ...

3. 龙舌兰科 龙舌兰属:Aeonium undulatum Webb et Berth.假明镜 | ●Agave 龙舌兰科 龙舌兰属 | Agave americana L.龙舌兰

agave 单语例句

1. The worm is taken from the agave cactus as well and is added to smooth the strong taste of the liquor.

2. Mules and horses which traditionally hauled harvested agave and pulled giant stone wheels used to crush the cooked leaves have been replaced by machines.

agave 英英释义


1. tropical American plants with basal rosettes of fibrous sword-shaped leaves and flowers in tall spikes
    some cultivated for ornament or for fiber

    Synonym: century plant American aloe