
aggressor [əˈgresə(r)]  [əˈɡrɛsɚ] 


aggressor 基本解释

名词侵略者; 挑衅者; 侵略国

aggressor 网络解释

1. 干扰源:容性耦合是由于干扰源(Aggressor)上的电压变化在被干扰对象(Victim)上引起感应电流从而导致的电磁干扰,而感性耦合则是由于干扰源上的电流变化产生的磁场在被干扰对象上引起感应电压从而导致的电磁干扰.

2. 侵略者;攻击者:accuracy 精确,准确( | aggressor 侵略者;攻击者; | alter 改变,更改(

3. 攻击者:aggressiveness /侵略/攻势/ | aggressor /攻击者/ | aggrieve /使悲伤/使委屈/使苦恼/

aggressor 词典解释

1. 挑衅者;侵略者;侵略国
    The aggressor in a fight or battle is the person, group, or country that starts it.

    e.g. They have been the aggressors in this conflict.

aggressor 单语例句

1. Saakashvili agreed the timing was not coincidental, but accused Russia of being the aggressor.

2. History tells us that appeasement and compromise cannot halt the pace of an aggressor, and the result of appeasement will only be an even greater disaster.

3. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says any aggressor would regret attacking his country, because he says Iran has one of the world's most powerful armies.

4. Both judoka were well matched in the final, but the two judges awarded Tang the win because she was the aggressor.

5. Pretty soon I felt the tide turned from me being the aggressor to her being the aggressor.

6. aggressor

6. The cultural essence of China decides that the country will not be an aggressor at any time.

aggressor 英英释义



1. a confident assertive person who acts as instigator

2. someone who attacks

    Synonym: attacker assailant assaulter