
aggrieved [əˈgri:vd]  [əˈɡrivd]




aggrieved 基本解释


形容词愤愤不平的,受委屈的; 悲痛的; <律>(在合法权利方面)受侵害的

动词令委屈,令苦恼,侵害( aggrieve的过去式); 令委屈,令苦恼,侵害( aggrieve的过去式和过去分词)

aggrieved 网络解释

1. 受虐待的:aggrieve 侵害 | aggrieved 受虐待的 | aggro 暴力

2. 受害的受委屈的:aggressivefume 腐蚀性气体 | aggrieved 受害的受委屈的 | aggrievedparty 受害方

3. 委屈:agape 大开的,目瞪口呆的 | aggrieved 委屈 | agony 痛苦,挣扎

4. 权利受到不法侵害的:权利人obligee | 权利受到不法侵害的aggrieved | 权利义务相关的jural

aggrieved 词典解释

1. 愤愤不平的;委屈的
    If you feel aggrieved, you feel upset and angry because of the way in which you have been treated.

    e.g. I really feel aggrieved at this sort of thing.

aggrieved 单语例句

1. aggrieved什么意思

1. While tourists feel aggrieved, students in the university applauded the ban.

2. Although the decisions of Danish official Rasmussen gave City reason to feel aggrieved, it only had itself to blame for some inept defending in the first half.

3. Brazil though soon found its feet and was aggrieved after a penalty decision went against it four minutes later.

4. Online game companies in Shanghai the city with the most players are planning to set up a dispute system where aggrieved players can seek recourse.

5. I guess some residual machismo in me that survived the persistent pressures to be sensitive and New Age left me feeling a little aggrieved.

6. aggrieved在线翻译

6. The idea that aggrieved people can take their complaints directly to higher or even the highest authority is rooted in ancient China.

7. An aggrieved farmer decided to air his gripe publicly and from on high.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. Such apathy and cruel reality make us even more aggrieved over the loss of innocent lives.

9. Aggrieved parties may lodge an appeal with the Court of Appeal and even the Court of Final Appeal if the previous court dismisses their case.

10. aggrieved

10. Playing with the emotions of aggrieved families is not what civilized officials should be doing.