
agha ['ɑ:gə]  ['ɑ:gə] 

agha 基本解释
agha 网络解释

1. 将军, 大官, 宗教领袖:aggro || 暴力行为 | agha || 将军, 大官, 宗教领袖 | aghast || 惊骇的, 吓呆的

2. 将军/大官:aggrieved /受虐待的/抱不平的/权利受到不法侵害的/ | agha /将军/大官/ | aghast /吃惊/

3. 更多關於:更多關於 agha | 星座: Sagittarius | 公司: tau Aj dh...h

agha 单语例句

1. Agha said the Taliban would fight relentlessly to evict American troops and topple the government of President Hamid Karzai.

2. agha的近义词

2. NATO said Matin and Agha were behind several suicide bombings in Helmand.

3. Local police chief Agha Mohammed Tahir said 118 bodies had been pulled from the wreckage.

4. agha在线翻译

4. The blast took place in Mohammad Agha district, close to shops that collect milk from farmers.

5. " It is a very gruesome situation, " local police chief Agha Mohammed Tahir told The Associated Press.

agha 英英释义


1. title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey)

    Synonym: Aga