
agriculturalist [ˌægrɪˈkʌltʃərəlɪst]  [ˌæɡrɪˈkʌltʃərəlɪst] 


agriculturalist 基本解释


agriculturalist 网络解释

1. 农学家:calligrapher 书法家 | agriculturalist农学家 | sportsman运动家

2. 农民 农场经营者 农学家:farmhand 农场工人 | agriculturalist 农民 农场经营者 农学家 | horticulturist 园艺家 园艺学家

3. 农学家,农业技术员:agony aunt 读者专栏女性主笔作者 | agony column 读者专栏男性主笔作者 | agriculturalist 农学家,农业技术员

4. 农学家,农业技师:naturalist自然主义者,博物学家 | supernaturalist 超自然主义者,超自然论者 | agriculturalist农学家,农业技师

agriculturalist 双语例句

1. Animal growth or product yield is the ultimate concern of the agriculturalist.

2. In March a senior agriculturalist, Yuan Longping, accused officials in some areas of exaggerating the size of grain reserves in order to get more subsidies for storing them.

3. LADY AUDLEY went from the garden to the library, a pleasant oak-panelled homely apartment in which Sir Michael liked to sit reading or writing, or arranging the business of his estate with his steward, a stalwart countryman, half agriculturalist, half lawyer, who rented a small farm a few miles from the Court.


4. Chinese agriculturalist Zhouli goes as far as to call the United States a quote " food imperialist ".

agriculturalist 词典解释

1. 农学家;农业技术员
    An agriculturalist is someone who is an expert on agriculture and who advises farmers.

agriculturalist 单语例句

1. The agriculturalist and his family relocated to Tianjin municipality in 1997 to study Chinese.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. US environmentalist and agriculturalist Lester Brown talks of a " food bubble " a world awash with food grown using water that will never be replaced.

3. agriculturalist在线翻译

3. The nomination list for last year's Confucius Peace Prize included Yuan Longping, an agriculturalist known as the father of hybrid rice.

agriculturalist 英英释义


1. someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating the soil

    Synonym: agriculturist cultivator grower raiser