
ailing [ˈeɪlɪŋ] [ˈeɪlɪŋ] 






ailing 基本解释

形容词生病的; 不舒服的

动词使受病痛; 使痛苦(ail的ing形式)

ailing 相关例句


1. She helps take care of her ailing aunt.

ailing 网络解释


1. 帆板:diving 跳水 | ailing 帆板 | rowing 赛艇

2. 生病的:aids 艾滋病 | ailing 生病的 | ailment 小病

3. 生病的 ,境况不佳的:ailing economy || 病态经济 | ailing || 生病的, 境况不佳的 | ailment || 疾病(尤指微恙), 不宁, 不安

4. 戴愛玲:Alyssa賈靜雯盧怡榕 | Ailing戴愛玲 | Amanda李蕙敏保采芬李晶玉

ailing 词典解释

1. 处境困难的;境况不佳的;衰退的
    An ailing organization or society is in difficulty and is becoming weaker.

    e.g. The rise in overseas sales is good news for the ailing American economy.

2. 生病的;抱恙的;体衰的
    If someone is ailing, they are ill and are not getting better.

    e.g. He is said to be ailing at his home in Washington.

ailing 单语例句

1. ailing的近义词

1. The cartel ignored calls from US President George W Bush to pump more oil into an ailing American economy.

2. Measures are urgently needed to address the problems in China's ailing mining industry, a State Economic and Trade Commission research report said.

3. Still, there are differences on how the international community could help to cure the ailing economy.

4. The high cost of having a baby in Beijing highlights the crisis in China's ailing health care system.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. The condition of 53 of the ailing kids is critical, and 340 of them have been admitted to hospital.

6. But many analysts predict the greenback might depreciate substantially in the coming years because of the ailing US economy.

7. ailing在线翻译

7. Listening to Cai Qin's songs is just like reading the novels by Zhang Ailing, who indulges herself in desolation.

8. Tears trickled down Hu Ailing's wrinkled, dark face as Beijing health officials confiscated three dialysis machines.

9. Chinese automaker FAW Group Corp refused comment Tuesday on a report it is considering bidding for a stake in DaimlerChrysler AG's ailing Chrysler Group.

10. The Japanese economy has been ailing for two decades, barely managing to eke out weak growth between slowdowns.

ailing 英英释义


1. somewhat ill or prone to illness

    e.g. my poor ailing grandmother
           feeling a bit indisposed today
           you look a little peaked
           feeling poorly
           a sickly child
           is unwell and can't come to work

    Synonym: indisposed peaked(p) poorly(p) sickly unwell under the weather seedy