air flow

air flow [eə(r) fləu]  [er flo] 

air flow 基本解释

air flow的翻译


air flow 网络解释


1. 风量:一个良好的干燥效率决定因素有以下四点:干燥温度(Drying Temperature)、干燥时间(Residence time)、风量(Air flow)、露点(Dew point). 而这四个因素环环相扣,任何一个条件的改变都会影响干燥效果. 干燥温度(Drying Temperature)是指进入干燥桶的空气温度,

2. 空气流动:除此之外,还需要考虑系统整体空气流动(air flow)的方向,让air flow吹向发热的组件,以降低系统整体的温度,综合以上因素,进一步的评估所有系统的电源需求和消耗功率,进行完整的系统的温度测试、保护功能测试、可靠度测试、老化实验等诸多测试,

3. 空气流量:此外,重新检讨空气流量(Air Flow)(后文详述)后,可缩小水箱护罩的开口面积,卸除侧排气口(Air Outlet),亦得到显著的成效,成功地降低空气阻力. 车头灯方面,将延伸(Extension)部设计成灰白色调,更突显出精悍的性格,此外,

4. air flow:aflo; 空气流量计

air flow 单语例句

1. Melted ash can then congeal on the blades and block the normal flow of air, causing engines to lose thrust or shut down.

2. A dirty air filter reduces air flow, making your heating system work harder to deliver warm air to the registers.

3. air flow的意思

3. This air flow acts like a fence to keep Arctic air confined.

4. As water and air flow together, so should ballet dancers connect with their art.

5. This is because the left surface of the ball is moving against air flow.

6. The centre has been equipped with an advanced airconditioning system which consumes less energy and ensures a better air flow.

7. The effect is the result of putting buildings too close to one another and reducing air flow.

8. air flow是什么意思

8. A tracheotomy involves cutting a small opening into the neck and windpipe so air can flow directly into the lungs.

9. air flow是什么意思

9. Cathay is the world's largest air cargo carrier and its cargo flow is a good indicator of southern China and Hong Kong's export growth.

10. Snoring results from an obstruction to the flow of air through passages at the back of the mouth and nose.

air flow 英英释义


1. the flow of air

    e.g. she adjusted the fan so that the airflow was directed right at her

    Synonym: airflow flow of air