
airman [ˈeəmən]  [ˈermən] 


airman 基本解释

名词空军士兵; 飞行员,机组成员

airman 网络解释


1. 飞行员:此外,ImageMovers工作室仍在开发迪士尼的翻拍项目<<黄色潜水艇>>(The Yellow Submarine改编自欧因-科弗(Eoin Colfer)儿童小说的电影<<飞行员>>(Airman同样与迪士尼合作的改编自查理

2. 风门工:airlock 风闸 | airman 风门工 | airway 风巷

3. 航空兵:airload 气动载荷;空运装载 | airman 航空兵 | airometer 空气流速计;空气流量计

4. 士兵:列兵--------Private | 士兵------Airman | aid workers 救援人员

airman 词典解释

1. 飞行员;(尤指)空军士兵
    An airman is a man who flies aircraft, especially one who serves in his country's air force.

    e.g. English airman.

airman 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. One of the officials said the group also includes two Navy Explosive Ordinance Disposal technicians, two Marine dog handlers and an Air Force airman.

2. airman

2. Ma's allegation later found support in a pilot's micro blog in which the airman complained about his bumpy experience when landing at the airport.

airman 英英释义



1. someone who operates an aircraft

    Synonym: aviator aeronaut flier flyer