
alienated ['eɪljəneɪtɪd]  [ˈeljənetɪd]





alienated 基本解释
感到孤独的,不合群的;转让;使疏远( alienate的过去式和过去分词 );使不友好;让渡;
alienated 网络解释


1. 疏离的:因为统治阶级控制着社会的生产关系,社会的超结构便取决于什么对统治阶级最为有利. 因此一个社会的意识形态便有巨大的重要性,因为它混淆着从本质疏离的(alienated)群体和可产生错误意识(false consciousness),例如商品崇拜(com...

2. 疏离:没有前线自主,教师身不由己,我同意韩连山所归结的三点:疏离(alienated)、对现实乏权(powerless)及无奈(hopeless).

3. 冷漠无情的:4. the gap/disparity 悬殊 ~ between the urban area and the rural area | 5. alienated 冷漠无情的 (ET: alien) | 6. materialize 实现

4. 孤芳自赏:悲观 Pessimistic | 孤芳自赏 Alienated | 消极 Negative attitude

alienated 单语例句

1. Chang himself told police his hatred for his peers escalated after being constantly alienated and ignored by them during leisure breaks.

2. Chang earlier told police that his hatred for his peers escalated after being constantly alienated and ignored by them during leisure breaks.


3. Given how rapidly China will change while these students are abroad, private education risks creating a generation of outsiders alienated to both China and the West.

4. As secretary of state, she must become the global emissary of an administration that has at times alienated allies.

5. Ahmadinejad has alienated many Americans by calling for Israel's destruction and repeatedly dismissing the Holocaust as a myth.

6. alienated的意思

6. Ahmadinejad has alienated many Americans by calling for Israel's destruction and repeatedly dismissing the Nazi Holocaust as a myth.

7. His ambitious plans to reform federal pensions and the immigration regime alienated both the elderly and conservative wings of the party.

8. alienated的意思

8. At this time the misguided political agenda of a lone superpower has now alienated the majority of the world's peoples and nations.

9. alienated什么意思

9. Th Australian has made himself plenty of enemies, from the governments whose secret information he has revealed to former colleagues he has alienated.

10. He said much of the increase is seen in cities with histories of racial tensions and where black people feel alienated and marginalized.

alienated 英英释义



1. caused to be unloved

    Synonym: estranged

2. socially disoriented

    e.g. anomic loners musing over their fate
           we live in an age of rootless alienated people

    Synonym: anomic disoriented