
align [əˈlaɪn]  [əˈlaɪn] 





align 基本解释

及物动词使成一线,使结盟; 排整齐

不及物动词排列; 成一条线

align 相关例句



1. We must align ourselves with the workers.

2. The troops aligned.

align 网络解释


1. 对齐 对齐:二、对齐 对齐(Align)是三坐标测量机软件的一项重要内容,无论有无数模,都必须通过对齐,将机器坐标系与工件坐标系保持一致,测量值才具有可比性. 对于箱体类零件,基本都采用3-2-1方式建坐标,利用面、线、点特征来确定坐标轴和原点,

2. 排列:8.1文字(text)面板设定8.2场景(scenes)面板设定8.3电影(movie)面板设定8.4变形(Transform)面板设定8.5内容(Content)面板设定8.6导出(Export)面板设定8.8色彩(tint)面板设定8.9排列(Align)面板设定8.10指导(Guides)面板设定

align 词典解释

1. 与…联合;与…结盟
    If you align yourself with a particular group, you support them because you have the same political aim.

    e.g. There are signs that the prime minister is aligning himself with the liberals...
    e.g. He has attempted to align the Socialists with the environmental movement.

2. 使成一直线;对准;校直
    If you align something, you place it in a certain position in relation to something else, usually parallel to it.

    e.g. A tripod will be useful to align and steady the camera...
    e.g. Keep the rough edge of the fabric aligned with the raw edge of the piping.

align 单语例句

1. " The mayor is keen to align London to China's interests, " says Barlow.

2. The two countries can be ensured of their economic and national security only if they avoid political chaos and align their economic and national security.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. Obama and President Hu Jintao can bridge the perception and communications gaps by agreeing in September to align their countries'economic and national security.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. These pervasive failures appear to be due mostly to a government's inability to align its efforts with its country's resource base and level of development.

5. The top three iron ore suppliers should look to align the pricing mechanism, failing which the negotiations may reach a dead end.

6. align

6. That strategies to meet our labor market needs also align quite neatly with the EU's foreign policy strategy certainly does not hurt.

7. align

7. It also serves as a reminder of the need to set up a fair and open mechanism to align executive compensation with job performances.

8. But Li warned Chinese financial players that they have to align their business strategies when hunting for various talents on Wall Street.

9. Caterpillar has worked to align its sustainable development solution capabilities with various sustainable priorities and goals of the government.

10. The tax authorities should better align their duties with the larger need of Chinese consumers and the national economy.

align 英英释义



1. place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight

    e.g. align the car with the curb
           align the sheets of paper on the table

    Synonym: aline line up adjust

2. bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation

    e.g. align the wheels of my car
           ordinate similar parts

    Synonym: ordinate coordinate

3. align oneself with a group or a way of thinking

    Synonym: array

4. be or come into adjustment with