1. They had to wear the same clothes and spent nights in cowshed, horse stalls or haystack all year round.
2. But weather has little to do with taste in places like Sichuan in the southwest, where spicy hotpots are eaten all year round.
3. Fresh air and spring weather prevail in the cave all year round.
4. To raise social awareness, he suggests exerting soft pressure on people all round the year.
5. Wind is perhaps the most predictable climatological phenomenon in Beijing, all year round.
6. The dog days are not confined to a few months of summer like here, but the sun glares down on you all year round in Singapore.
7. Scientists believe the mammoths only became visible because global warming had melted the permafrost - earth that normally remains frozen all year round.
8. It is bewildering they have left the installed equipment lying idle all year round.
9. all (the) year round
9. The law will be enforced all year round on all roads, including private roads and car parks.
10. Opt for Hanoi, where the weather will be lovely and the food is fantastic all year round.