all clear

all clear [ɔ:l kliə]  [ɔl klɪr] 

all clear 基本解释


all clear 相关例句

all clear的意思


1. She went back in after the all clear was sounded.

all clear 网络解释

1. 解除警报的信号:circlewise 环形地 | all clear 解除警报的信号 | adjustable lever 可调杠杆, 可调节杆

2. 解除信号:all Caps 全部大写 | all clear 解除信号 | all day long 整天

3. 警报解除:all call rage 全呼寻呼 | all clear 警报解除 | all hands 第一出动的全部消防车正在进行灭火战斗

all clear 词典解释

1. 险情解除的信号;警报解除的信号
    The all clear is a signal that a dangerous situation, for example an air raid, has ended.

    e.g. The all clear was sounded about 10 minutes after the alert was given.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 准许;许可
    If someone in authority gives you the all clear, they give you permission to continue with a plan or activity, usually after a problem has been sorted out.

    e.g. I was given the all clear by the doctor to resume playing.

all clear 单语例句

1. The 13 signatories to the commando letter were all identified as being reservists, but it was not clear how many were still involved in active military duty.

2. It has to be clear that all the agents have to generate profits above their capital cost.

3. But the Catholic guerrilla group failed to make clear whether it planned to comply with demands that it scrap all its weapons for good.

4. It was not immediately clear if Ahmadinejad would cave in to Khamenei's order, who has the final say on all state matters in Iran.

5. Under the new regulatory setup, all financial institutions are required to clear their standardized OTC derivatives contracts with CCP.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. They had to toil in the fields all day, fetching water from ponds kilometers away and chopping pigweed to clear room for corn.

7. all clear

7. All these commitments have made China's peaceful military strategy crystal clear.

8. The good news is that you can clear that all away pretty quickly too!

9. It was not immediately clear whether the console sold out at all retailers, and Sony said that information would not be available for several days.

10. all clear什么意思

10. But there is clear evidence in the empty apartment blocks dotting China's cities that residential demand did not explain all of the building frenzy.

all clear 英英释义

all clear


1. permission to proceed because obstacles have been removed

2. a signal (usually a siren) that danger is over