all previous

all previous

all previous 单语例句

1. Giuliani has attended all five previous September 11 commemorations but this is the Republican's first engagement as a presidential candidate seeking the White House.

2. But if the market overheats again the economy will be caught in another vicious circle and all previous efforts will be wasted.

3. The ministry said Beijing SARS patient Zhang is in critical condition due to previous diseases, but all the other SARS patients are in stable condition and keep recovering.

4. all previous

4. All kinds of feuds kept cropping up in almost all areas over the previous five years.

5. Previous proposals were all shelved due to concerns that rebuilding the gate at its original location may disrupt traffic flow.

6. all previous的解释

6. We will track them all down in due time and will punish them all, just as we did to the previous ones.

7. The report said previous studies have linked moderate drinking to a lower heart attack risk, compared to the risk run by those who do not drink at all.

8. Previous satellite trips to the point have all started from Earth, an anonymous expert was quoted by the China Central Television on Thursday as saying.

9. After reviewing all the new Russian words they had learned the previous day, the students started a new game called " electric current ".

10. The technical elements all looked flawless and immersive in the previous film.