allergic reaction

allergic reaction [əˈlɜ:dʒɪk riˈækʃən]  [əˈlədʒɪk riˈækʃən] 

allergic reaction 基本解释

allergic reaction在线翻译


allergic reaction 网络解释


1. 变态反应:(4)变态反应(allergic reaction)是药物引起的免疫反应,包括免疫学中的各种免疫反应,反应性 质与药物原有效应无关. 影响药物不良反应的发生的原因:机体的生理病理状况,性别,年龄,遗 传因素,用药剂量,用药时间等许多因素.此外,药物相互作用,

2. 过敏反应:5、过敏反应 过敏反应(Allergic reaction)是机体受药品刺激后所发生的不正常的免疫反应. 药品为低分子化学物质,本身不具有抗原性,但有些药品具有半抗原性,能与高分子载体蛋白结合成完全抗原,从而引起免疫反应.

3. 过敏性反应:allergen 过敏原 | allergic reaction 过敏性反应 | allergic shock 过敏性休克

4. 变态反应,过敏反应:allergic constitution 过敏体质,变态性体质 | allergic reaction 变态反应,过敏反应 | allolalia 言语障碍

allergic reaction 单语例句

1. But the researchers found no instances of serious allergic reaction to the therapy, which can sometimes happen with allergy shots.

2. allergic reaction

2. Immune therapies aim at desensitizing the body to the substance inducing the allergic reaction.

3. The dermatologist found their symptoms were very similar to an allergic reaction to cosmetics.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. The kindergarten has apologized to the parents of the child who suffered an allergic reaction, said Zhao.

5. allergic reaction

5. A mere fifth of a peanut was enough to trigger an allergic reaction.

6. However, his spokesperson has claimed the incident was down to an " allergic reaction " to medication.

7. allergic reaction在线翻译

7. The hospital confirmed that acute lung edema and serious allergic reaction caused her death.

8. The extra inhabitants in the mattresses can cause an allergic reaction among some people.

9. allergic reaction的解释

9. The more chemical substances contained in the product, the greater the risk of an allergic reaction.

10. allergic reaction的翻译

10. Drugs can cause a fever as part of an allergic type of reaction, and he was on many.

allergic reaction 英英释义



1. hypersensitivity reaction to a particular allergen
    symptoms can vary greatly in intensity

    Synonym: allergy