
allied [ˈælaɪd]  [əˈlaɪd,ˈælˌaɪd] 






allied 基本解释


形容词同盟的,同盟国的; 联合的; 姻亲的; 同源的,类似的


allied 相关例句


1. We were allied with them against the aggressor.

2. Danish and Swedish are allied languages.

allied 网络解释


1. 联合:以后信号公司又与美国联合(Allied)公司合并成为联合信号(Allied-Signal)公司,并成为美国十大公司之一,UOP公司成为联合信号公司的子公司. 1988年UOP公司与美国联合碳化物公司(UCC)的催化剂、吸附剂和工艺系统联合组成合资企业,

2. 系列无线网卡驱动:AirCard 系列无线网卡驱动 | Allied 系列无线网卡驱动 | ATHEROS 系列无线网卡驱动

allied 词典解释

1. (战争期间)盟国的,盟军的
    Allied forces or troops are armies from different countries who are fighting on the same side in a war.

    e.g. ...the approaching Allied forces...
    e.g. They're backed by allied warplanes and tanks.

2. (国家、军队、政党等)同盟的,结盟的
    Allied countries, troops, or political parties are united by a political or military agreement.

    e.g. ...forces from three allied nations.
    e.g. ...a think-tank allied to the right wing of the Democratic Party.

3. 相关的;有关联的
    If one thing or group is allied to another, it is related to it because the two things have particular qualities or characteristics in common.

    e.g. ...lectures on subjects allied to health, beauty and fitness...
    e.g. Only now have doctors, and allied medical professionals, come to appreciate this.

4. 伴随…发生的
    Something that is allied to another thing occurs with the other thing.

    e.g. He possessed a raw energy allied to a feeling of something special.
    e.g. ...a disastrous rise in interest rates allied with a stock market slump.

allied 单语例句

1. This is not the first time CERNET Education has allied itself with an American university.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said on Monday that the Commission would allocate an extra 110 million euros towards this and allied Chernobyl projects.

3. Rodney Davis said Wednesday that allied troops had come under fire, but there were no reported casualties.

4. " When I was leading the allied forces, I only dealt with three generals directly commanding the troops " he said.

5. allied的反义词

5. Victory was also achieved through the concerted effort of the allied nations.

6. Hezbollah and allied Druze fighters took control of several village in the area, security sources said.

7. A senior US military official said heavy cloud cover over Libya late last week curtailed allied air strikes.

8. A number of Germans now insist the Allied bombing campaign was a war crime, once a view deemed dangerously nationalistic.

9. Six ministers are affiliated to other allied parties and eight have no political affiliation.

10. allied是什么意思

10. The Taliban and other allied groups have regularly targeted both government officials and those seen as in league with the Afghan administration or international forces.

allied 英英释义


1. joined by treaty or agreement

2. related by common characteristics or ancestry

    e.g. allied species
           allied studies

3. united in a confederacy or league

    Synonym: confederate confederative