
ally [ˈælaɪ]  ['ælaɪ] 








ally 基本解释

名词联盟; 同盟国,同盟者; 助手,支持者; 协约国

及物动词&不及物动词(使)联盟,(使)同盟; (使)结盟,(使)联姻

ally 相关例句



1. England allied with France.

2. The English language is allied to the German language.

3. Diamond is chemically allied to coal.


1. The three sisters allied against their elder brother.


1. England and Russia were allies in the Second World War.

2. France and England were allies in the war.

ally 情景对话

TV Series-(电视剧)

B:What’s on TV tonight?

A:Not much, that new reality-TV show, Ally McBeal, oooo, Dark Angel.

B:Wait a second. I want to watch Ally McBeal.

A:Oh, come on. That’s such a girl’s show.

B:No it’s not. It’s just funny.

A:Yeah, if you’re a girl.

B:Well, you just want to watch Dark Angel because of the hot girl.

A:That’s not true. Dark Angel is a good show.

B:It’s story is just an excuse to get the girl dressed up in different tight outfits.

A:O.K., O.K. Let’s forget it. There’s a football game on too.

B:No way. I’m watching Ally McBeal. Go to John’s to watch the game.

ally 网络解释

1. 同盟国:[联想]1.饿死他(est)吃(ate)国家的财产[联想]我的评价是,鸡蛋(e)没有营养价值(value),所以鸡蛋(e)不能吃(ate)[联想]对于二战这件事(event)来说,叔叔(u)认为是同盟国(ally)取得了最后的胜利[联想]一味(evi)的(de)说我进了男厕

2. 同盟:并加入主部队(main army)或是打击武力(strike force,SF)5.战斗主要有三种:练习(training)及城市攻击(city attack)与玩家对打(PvP)7.阶级达到将军(general)以上后可以投票选领导者及组建SF 初学者的话不用太过考虑这方面的事情8.国家间会有同盟(ally)/互不侵犯(nap

3. 联盟:而且产量和质量都有明显的提高. 另外,采用科学的计算机辅助设计(CAD)可节省材35W,在睡眠模式(SLEEP MODE)耗电量低于20W. 另外,主机板采用N1992由美国环保署(EPA)所发起,主要宗旨在于鼓励厂商生产制造节省能源软件联盟(Ally)计划,内容要点大致与前述相同.

ally 词典解释
The noun is pronounced /'ælaɪ/. The verb is pronounced /ə'laɪ/. 名词读作/'ælaɪ/,动词读作/ə'laɪ/。

1. ally在线翻译

1. (尤指战时的)同盟国
    A country's ally is another country that has an agreement to support it, especially in war.

    e.g. Washington would not take such a step without its allies' approval...
    e.g. The United States is a close ally of South Korea.

2. (第二次世界大战时的)同盟国
    The Allies were the armed forces that fought against Germany and Japan in the Second World War.

3. 盟友;支持者
    If you describe someone as your ally, you mean that they help and support you, especially when other people are opposing you.

    e.g. He is a close ally of the Prime Minister...
    e.g. She will regret losing a close political ally.

4. 与…结盟;支持
    If you ally yourself with someone or something, you give your support to them.

    e.g. He will have no choice but to ally himself with the new movement.

5. see also: allied

ally 单语例句

1. ally的反义词

1. The general has been a strong ally in Bush's war on terrorism.

2. Most Brussels civil servants support welcoming Turkey, a Muslim ally and future thruway for gas coming from the Black and Caspian seas.


3. He noted Fujii had always been Ozawa's " closest ally " until March, when Ozawa was forced to step down as DPJ's party chief.

4. A problematic relationship with close ally Gianfranco Fini over the future of their party also lingers.

5. The row comes at a difficult time for Bush's close ally Tony Blair, also under pressure over his decision to go to war.

6. Bush paid a final tribute to his ally and will later call Blair's successor with congratulations.

7. ally是什么意思

7. It is a key ally in the United States'war on terror and does not want to damage its relationship with Washington.

8. Media reports said Brown had given up on a plan to replace Darling with his close ally Ed Balls after Darling refused to move.

9. ally

9. The Democratic incumbent also voiced his support for an Israel under attack, calling Israel " a true friend " and " our greatest ally in the region ".

10. China is a traditional ally of Pakistan, supplying it with hundreds of millions of dollars in financing for development projects.

ally 英英释义



1. ally什么意思

1. a friendly nation

2. an associate who provides cooperation or assistance

    e.g. he's a good ally in fight

    Synonym: friend


1. ally的反义词

1. become an ally or associate, as by a treaty or marriage

    e.g. He allied himself with the Communists