alphabetic character
1. 文字字符:alphabet 字母表 | alphabetic character 文字字符 | alphabetic 照字母次序的
2. 字母符号:alphabet 字母 | alphabetic character 字母符号 | alphabetic character set 字母字符集
3. 字符字符:Alphabetic Addressing 字符寻址 | alphabetic character 字符字符 | Alphabetic Character Set 字符字符集
4. 字母字符:aloxite || 铝砂,阿洛克赛特(美国刚玉磨料) | alphabetic character || 字母字符 | alphabetic coding || 字母编码
alphabetic character
1. the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech
e.g. his grandmother taught him his letters
Synonym: letter letter of the alphabet