1. 铝:另外,也有使用金属如锌(Zinc)、铝(Aluminium)和镁(Magnesium)所制成的电池和发电机. 其中AA和D型电池比普通干电池的寿命多了5倍之多,而发电机也为没有电源供应的偏远地区带来的光明.
2. 金属(铝):发光剂是金属镁 (magnesium) 或金属铝 (aluminium) 的粉末. 当这些金属燃烧时,会发出白炽的强光. 发色剂其实只不过是一些金属化合物 (metal compound). 我们平日在教学上经常运用这些金属化合物来进行实验呢!
3. 铝合金:现在拍框(frame)一般是碳纤(graphite)的,还有钛合金(titanium),铝合金(aluminium)我现在用的Ncode系列N是纳米(nano)的第一个字母,其实是种不完全能算纳米技术的纳米技术.
4. 铝(制品):abeam 正横方向 | aluminium 铝(制品) | anchor 锚
1. 铝
Aluminium is a lightweight metal used, for example, for making cooking equipment and aircraft parts.
e.g. ...aluminium cans.
1. China has recently taken steps to slow down overheated industries such as steel, cement and aluminium.
2. As the marinade contains vinegar it's not advisable to use an aluminium tray for this.
3. Investment in steel, electrolytic aluminium and cement soared earlier this year despite repeated warnings.
4. Investment in steel, electrolytic aluminium and cement soared earlier this year.
5. Electrolytic production of aluminium is relatively inefficient and produces high emissions, Zhu said.
6. " We were making aluminium alloy handles when the blast happened, " said one of the injured workers.
7. Chalco is the sole alumina producer and the largest producer of primary aluminium in China, and the third largest alumina refiner in the world.
8. Half of the alumina demand in China is dependent on imports because of excessive aluminium production capacity build over the past two years.
9. Analysts said the government would prefer to keep firm control over alumina supply to limit the growth in aluminium production.
10. Chalco's growth is expected to slow in the second half of 2004, because the prices of both alumina and aluminium have peaked.
1. aluminium
1. a silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite
Synonym: aluminum Al atomic number 13