1. 弱视:第三节 弱视(amblyopia) 眼部内外没有器质性病变而矫正视力达不到正常(低于0.9)者称为弱视. 弱视与斜视有密切关系,单眼偏斜可致该眼弱视,而弱视又可形成斜视. 一、分类 (一)斜视性弱视(strabismic amblyopia) 患者有斜视或曾有过斜视,
1. In China, there are about 12 million children suffering from amblyopia.
2. The China Charity Federation launched a project at the end of last month for children with amblyopia or dimming vision.
3. According to the National Eye Institute at the United States National Institutes of Health, amblyopia is the most common cause of vision impairment in childhood.
4. The China Charity Federation launched a project yesterday for children with amblyopia or dimming vision.
1. visual impairment without apparent organic pathology