
ana ['ænə]  ['ænə] 

ana 基本解释

名词语录; (关于某人的)轶事; 闲话; 文坛杂闻

ana 网络解释


1. 抗核抗体:突出的表现为B淋巴细胞高度的活化而产生多种针对自身组织.包括细胞核及各种核成分、细胞膜、细胞浆、各种组织成分的自身抗体,其中尤以抗核抗体,(ANA)为重要.

2. 全日本空输:加上一直使用同大楼的南翼,以及刚由ANA集团迁移留下来的北翼,不包括新加入的航空公司的话,事实上:Skymark航空 (SKY)日本航空 (JAL) 全日本空输 (ANA) 大韩航空 (KAL) 韩亚航空 (AAR)日本航空 (JAL) 全日本空输 (ANA) 中国东方航空 (

3. ana:autoantibody to nuclear antigen; 抗核抗体

4. ana:anti nuclear antibocly; 所有患者抗核抗体

5. ana:american nursing association; 主要由美国护士协会

6. ana:assign network address; 分配网络地址

ana 单语例句

1. " They say he's got love problems, " Cinnamon Rolls cafeteria employee Ana Elena Ruiz said.

2. Fierce Santa Ana winds that fanned the fires on Saturday weakened Sunday morning, allowing firefighters to set backfires to prevent flames from advancing to hillside neighborhoods.

3. It is often referred to simply as " ana " and is sometimes affectionately personified by anorexics as a girl named Ana.

4. It is scheduled to depart for Seattle on Saturday, according to ANA.

5. " It is a great day for humankind, " said Spanish Foreign Minister Ana Palacio.

6. Forecasters said the heat and dry Santa Ana desert winds that whipped the flames into infernos could return early next week.

7. Ana - a polo instructor - had been planning to return to her family in Brazil in January but changed her mind after meeting Ronnie.

8. ana

8. The flames drew much of their strength from the fierce Santa Ana winds, whose gusts of up to 70 mph moved the fires along.

9. ana的意思

9. LONDON - China's Zheng Jie admitted even she had been stunned by the ease of her sensational victory over top seed Ana Ivanovic at Wimbledon.


10. Serbian Jankovic will hand back the top spot to compatriot Ana Ivanovic who will now hold it for at least the next two weeks.

ana 英英释义



1. a collection of anecdotes about a person or place