1. A deputation followed, of 37 Greek abbots residing in or near Rome, who had apparently fled before the Saracens from their various homes in Jerusalem, Africa, Armenia, Cilicia, etc. They demanded the condemnation of Sergius, Pyrrhus, Paul, and Cyrus and the anathematizing of the Type by the Apostolic and head See.
团体其次,37希腊abbots或居住在罗马附近,谁显然逃离之前,撒拉逊人从他们的各种家园在耶路撒冷,非洲,亚美尼亚,西里西亚等,他们要求的谴责,谢尔盖,pyrrhus ,保罗,和Cyrus和该anathematizing的类型是由使徒和头部见。