
ancestors ['ænsestəz]  ['ænsestəz] 


ancestors 基本解释
祖宗;祖先( ancestor的名词复数 );原型;原种;
ancestors 网络解释


1. 祖先:独自一人展开一场横越澳洲的千里沙漠之行,最后抵达澳洲西海岸,本书即记述这段旅程. 她遍游世界,1990年9月,她的第一本小说<<祖先>>(Ancestors)出版;1996年叙述她与印第安游牧部落同游的故事<<沙漠地>>(Desert Places)出版.

2. 祖先;原型;原种:elsewhere 在别处 | ancestors 祖先;原型;原种 | hectare 公顷

3. 祖宗:妾- Concubine | 祖宗- Ancestors | 高祖- Great great grand father

ancestors 单语例句

1. The fossil record dates the nautilus's ancestors to the late Cambrian period, 500 million years ago.

2. I am sure when our ancestors sat around a fire with the whole family they had no idea what chaos family reunions could cause.

3. It seems for some that rebuilding the old palace is the only way to remember our ancestors or conserve our traditional civilization.

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4. These have the dual function of mortuary and temple for showing respect to ancestors and as meeting place for big clan events.

5. ancestors的近义词

5. Tradition dictates that all the family members of a patriline clan should go together to sweep their common ancestors'tomb.

6. According to legend, a cock rescued ancestors of the Yi people when they were young.

7. They have totally shamed their ancestors with such outrageous notions and deserve serious condemnation by the great majority of Hong Kong residents.

8. ancestors

8. Koreans have traditionally cherished Confucian beliefs that their bodies are inherited from ancestors and never are to be tampered with.

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9. Tym Glaser is a senior sports copy editor whose German ancestors hail from the tiny Schwarzwald town of Klosterreichenbach.

10. ancestors

10. The Chinese traditionally use this time to remember the dead and visit the tombs of their ancestors and family members.