
anchovy [ˈæntʃəvi]  [ˈæntʃoʊvi] 


anchovy 基本解释
anchovy 网络解释

1. 凤尾鱼:经常见用于鱼油提取的有三文/鲑鱼(salmon),金枪鱼(tuna)、沙丁鱼(sardin),凤尾鱼(anchovy)和鲭鱼(mackerel). 由于环境污染问题,加之天然功效成分,产自太平洋(包括阿拉斯加)的野生天然深海鱼油(Wild Deep Sea Fish Oil from Pacific Ocean/Alaska)为上等.

2. 鳀鱼:(2)541 鯷鱼(Anchovy) 是属於何类? 淡水鱼类海水鱼类两栖类甲壳类. (1)542 下列何者为淡水鱼?虹鳟(Rainbow Trout) 鳕鱼(Rock Cod)板鱼(Lemon Sole)(2)543 玉蜀黍(Maize) 属於下列何类食物?蔬菜类五谷类水果类豆荚类.

3. 銀魚柳:烹制时将盐入沸水入粉煮熟,后加不同汁酱而成, 有肉酱意粉(Spaghetti Bolognaie),将牛肉中各中香料调味,先炒后煮 而成汁酱汁在意粉面上;银鱼意粉(Spaghetti on Accingke):汁酱由银 鱼柳(Anchovy)和茄酱加香米先炒后煮而成;

4. 鱼酱:这儿还有一家超市, 阿A买了一条牙膏状的堤鱼酱(anchovy)及一盒生火腿. 阿A从没吃过有加堤鱼的pizza或是义大利面, 现有这种方便带回台湾的堤鱼酱, 当然想买回去试试. (回台湾后, 阿A把它抺在吐司上烤, 再放生火腿片及起士当早餐吃.

anchovy 单语例句

1. Another error it found involved the effect of wind turbulence on anchovy fisheries on Africa's west coast.

anchovy 英英释义


1. small herring-like plankton-eating fishes often canned whole or as paste
    abundant in tropical waters worldwide

2. tiny fishes usually canned or salted
    used for hors d'oeuvres or as seasoning in sauces