
animation [ˌænɪˈmeɪʃn]  [ˌænəˈmeʃən] 


animation 基本解释


名词生气,活泼; 动画片制作,动画片摄制; [影视]动画片

animation 相关例句



1. They talked of their holiday plans with great animation.

2. We felt an animation about the ambitious plan.

animation 网络解释

1. 自动:(13) 自动 (animation)使死物如有生命般活动. (14) 预言术 (prediction)先记下某事物之发生,如头条新闻等. (15) 反地心吸力 (anti-gravity)人或物之动作反地心吸力. (16) 第六感术 (extra-sensory perception)如用手指头来看东西,

animation 词典解释

1. 动画片绘制;卡通片制作
    Animation is the process of making films in which drawings or puppets appear to move.

    e.g. The films are a mix of animation and full-length features.
    e.g. animation.

2. 动画片
    An animation is a film in which drawings or puppets appear to move.

    e.g. This film is the first British animation sold to an American network.

3. animation的翻译

3. 生气;活泼;热烈
    Someone with animation shows liveliness in the way that they speak, look, or behave.

    e.g. They both spoke with animation.

4. see also: suspended animation

animation 单语例句

1. animation的翻译

1. Many of them are engaged in overseas service outsourcing business, especially in software and animation.

2. The film was directed by animation producer George Dunning and based on the music of The Beatles.

3. " Perhaps the animation industry will someday become Ningxia's calling card, " said Mu.

4. He has even allowed admen to use his caricature in an animation to promote the festival.

5. It took approximately 38 hours for the animators of Industrial Light & Magic to render one frame of the CGI animation.

6. animation是什么意思

6. " We hope that the computer animation serves the content and the theme, " Zhou said.

7. Dalian is also a national software production and export center and a base for computer animation and games.

8. Spielberg said the computer animation technology used for the films would be unlike anything ever seen.

9. The company focuses on research and development of computer animation software and the production of cartoon programmes.

10. animation的近义词

10. The zone is geared to medium and small companies specializing in computer animation and software security.

animation 英英释义


1. general activity and motion

    Synonym: liveliness

2. animation什么意思

2. the making of animated cartoons

3. the activity of giving vitality and vigour to something

    Synonym: vivification invigoration

4. animation的近义词

4. quality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous

    Synonym: spiritedness invigoration brio vivification

5. the property of being able to survive and grow

    e.g. the vitality of a seed

    Synonym: vitality

6. animation的解释

6. the condition of living or the state of being alive

    e.g. while there's life there's hope
           life depends on many chemical and physical processes

    Synonym: life living aliveness