


annexes 基本解释
兼并;并吞( annex的名词复数 );强占;并吞;附加物,附属建筑( annexe的名词复数 );并吞( annex的第三人称单数 );
annexes 网络解释


1. 附件:全文分为序言(Introduction)、管制要件(Regulatory requirements)及操作要件(Operational requirements)三大部分,并有三项附件(Annexes)(FAO, 2002). 一、序言 序言中明示本标准的范围(Scope)为叙述降低与木质包装材料(包括栈板dunnage)有关的检疫性有害生物传入和/或扩散风险的植物检疫措施,

2. 附录:第6部分(Partition VI):附录(Annexes) -- 包含一些用CIL装配语言(ILAsm)编写的例子程序、装配器实现细节的有关信息、CIL指令集的机器可读描述(可用于导出语法部分来供装配器和其他操作CIL的工具使用)、用于设计第4部分库的指导方

annexes 单语例句

1. The 10 annexes to IEC Sales Policy expounds on the nine provisions in the body, making the policy more complete and comprehensive.

2. There are divergent views in the Hong Kong community on the interpretation of the provisions in thetwo Annexes.

3. annexes的意思

3. There are divergent views in the Hong Kong community on the interpretation of the provisions in the two Annexes.

4. The provisions in the two annexes refer to prerequisite legal procedures for amending the methods and the voting procedures.

5. The term appears in many articles of the Basic Law and its annexes.

6. annexes是什么意思

6. Nine annexes stipulate specific rules around the core paper and are revised according to actual situation in a timely manner.

7. The blast destroyed annexes to the main building and tore apart a wall surrounding the consulate's garden.

8. According to the annexes signed yesterday, the mainland's insurance and telecom sectors will open up further to Hong Kong firms.

9. The interpretations also made two clarifications of the definitions and expressions in the two annexes.

10. The restaurant occupies an old European - style building and several glass structures annexes.