
annotated ['ænəteɪtɪd]  ['ænəteɪtɪd] 




annotated 基本解释
注解,注释( annotate的过去式和过去分词 );
annotated 网络解释

1. 注释:许多新的语料库相继建成,对语料的处理也由较为简单的机器可读形式发展到人工或自动词性附码(tagging)和句法分析(parsing)的注释(annotated)形式. 利用语料对语言进行研究的成果不断出现. 很多成果已被用于辞典编纂和语言教学等实际工作中,

2. 有评注的, 有注解的:annotated preliminary list || 附说明的暂定项目表 | annotated || 有评注的, 有注解的 | annotation || 注解, 评注注解,注释

3. 有附注的:annihilator 减振器 | annotated 有附注的 | annotated bibliography 附有说明的资料目录

annotated 单语例句

1. The book is not splashed with flashy photographs a la a catalog, but rather provides annotated Web addresses for online shops.

2. It is translated and annotated by linguist Xiang Xi and designed by Liu Xiangxiang, the chief art editor of Higher Education Press.

3. Imagine how much a casual passerby will feel walking down the street with such " annotated " buildings.

4. All letters must have the line " Candidate for Expo Cultural and Artistic Performances " annotated on the upper left corner of the envelope.

5. The premier just happened to be the person who annotated the nation's shared experience on the blackboard of a school destroyed at the epicenter.