
announce [əˈnaʊns]  [əˈnaʊns] 







announce 基本解释

不及物动词宣布参加竞选; 当播音员

及物动词宣布; 述说; 声称; 预告

announce 相关例句



1. His earlier work announced a lyric talent of the first order.

2. He announces three programs a week.

3. The captain announced that the plane was going to land.


1. The senator announced for the presidency.

2. He announced for governor.

announce 网络解释


1. 宣告:不过,有熟悉Detla的匿名(anonymity)认识(source)称,谈判一直在进行(ongoing),已接近于宣告(announce)合并成功,并将于圣诞节前呈报(submit)司法部审核.

2. 公告:以强大负载能力说话 以龙Zoro的源代码作为基础自行研发,新功能如下: 1.优化mainloop函数,负载能力大幅度提高,详情请登陆YSA参考 2.自定义骑宠数从32个增加至128个 3.增强小喇叭(/gg)及管理员公告(announce)两个函...

announce 词典解释

1. 宣布;宣告;公布
    If you announce something, you tell people about it publicly or officially.

    e.g. He will announce tonight that he is resigning from office...
    e.g. She was planning to announce her engagement to Peter...

2. announce的解释

2. 大声宣告,郑重地说(尤指令人不快之事)
    If you announce a piece of news or an intention, especially something that people may not like, you say it loudly and clearly, so that everyone you are with can hear it.

    e.g. Peter announced that he had no intention of wasting his time at any university...
    e.g. 'I'm having a bath and going to bed,' she announced, and left the room.

3. (机场或火车站工作人员通过扬声器)播报,通知
    If an airport or railway employee announces something, they tell the public about it by means of a loudspeaker system.

    e.g. Station staff announced the arrival of the train over the tannoy...
    e.g. They announced his plane was delayed.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. (以信件、声音、信号等)通知,告知
    If a letter, sound, or sign announces something, it informs people about it.

    e.g. The next letter announced the birth of another boy...
    e.g. His entrance was announced by a buzzer connected to the door.

5. (仆人)通报,宣布(膳食备齐或来宾到达)
    If a meal or a guest is announced by a servant at a formal party, the servant says clearly that the meal is ready or the guest has arrived.

    e.g. Dinner was announced, and served.

announce 单语例句

1. The company said it would announce specific figures in the annual business report later.

2. The company said the result had not been audited, and it would announce specific figures in the annual business report.

3. The State Council, the Cabinet and central Party organs are yet to officially announce the change.

4. He's going to call back to the truck and he has to announce what's happening.

5. I say this to add a dose of reality to the chatter about the man slated to announce his candidacy for president on February 10.


6. The company will fund new projects from the five directors, and will formally announce the films at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival in May.

7. announce是什么意思

7. Financial institutions were forced to announce massive writedowns and asset devaluation, encroaching upon capital adequacy ratio.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. The central bank didn't announce a quantitative target in 2011 for credit control.

9. The governing council of the European Central Bank will meet on Thursday to announce a fresh round of measures to help the fragile banking sector.

10. China UnionPay will hold a ceremony Friday to announce the launch and unveil details of the deal.

announce 英英释义



1. announce publicly or officially

    e.g. The President declared war

    Synonym: declare

2. foreshadow or presage

    Synonym: annunciate harbinger foretell herald

3. make known
    make an announcement

    e.g. She denoted her feelings clearly

    Synonym: denote

4. give the names of

    e.g. He announced the winners of the spelling bee