
annul [əˈnʌl]  [əˈnʌl] 






annul 基本解释

及物动词取消; 宣告无效; 使消失; 抹去

annul 相关例句



1. The treaty was annulled several years ago.

annul 网络解释


1. 撤消:同时,宪法授权这一法院以撤消(annul)它发现构成违宪的立法. 撤消整个立法并非总是必要的;如果违宪条款可以和立法的其它部分分开,那么法院可以只撤消该条款. 法院决定不仅使立法或其特定条款对具体案例无效,

2. 消:同时,宪法授权这一法院以撤消(annul)它发现构成违宪的立法. 撤消整个立法并非总是必要的;如果违宪条款可以和立法的其它部分分开,那么法院可以只撤消该条款. 法院决定不仅使立法或其特定条款对具体案例无效,

3. 取消,废止:announce 正式宣布 | annul 取消,废止 | apparatus 仪器

4. 取消:annuity 年金 | annul 取消 | annulospiral ending 环螺形末梢

annul 词典解释

1. 废除,取消(合同等);宣告(选举等)无效
    If an election or a contract is annulled, it is declared invalid, so that legally it is considered never to have existed.

    e.g. Opposition party leaders are now pressing for the entire election to be annulled...
    e.g. The marriage was annulled last month.

annul 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. Zhang then asked the court to annul the adoption and order his ungrateful kids to repay the money he had spent bringing them up.

2. annul在线翻译

2. They also demanded to annul Oslo Peace Treaties signed between Israel and the Palestinians in 1993.

3. The committee wants the court to annul the deal, return the land to the central bank and confiscate the money involved.

4. annul的翻译

4. Those failing to pass the annul test should be delisted and their removal should be made known to the public.

5. The ministry also ordered its subordinates to annul local regulations before October which fail to comply with the Property Law.

6. The draft said the country would annul six types of fees on road maintenance and management.

7. annul在线翻译

7. Mousavi made a direct appeal with Iran's ruling clerics to annul the result, but the chances were considered remote.

8. annul在线翻译

8. Nor does it not annul the practice of the country motion, which was a source of political confrontation at the Human Rights Commissions.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. Special administrative departments in local governments organize annul campaigns to eliminate these pests and their habitats.

10. annul的解释

10. The NPC has the power to alter or annul inappropriate decisions of its Standing Committee and to remove its members from office.

annul 英英释义



1. cancel officially

    e.g. He revoked the ban on smoking
           lift an embargo
           vacate a death sentence

    Synonym: revoke lift countermand reverse repeal overturn rescind vacate

2. declare invalid

    e.g. The contract was annulled
           void a plea

    Synonym: invalidate quash void avoid nullify