1. 缺氧症:长期的麦角胺作用,能引起组织局部之缺氧症(Anoxia),尤其是末端组织之血液供给缺乏,这些影响再因微血管内皮之伤害,而造成阻塞微血管血流,血管栓塞,停滞和乾涸坏疽.
2. 缺氧:子与母体不合(Rh incompatibility)、生产时缺氧(anoxia)窒息或脑损、新瓦登伯革氏症(Waardenberg's syndrome)等. 按照声音传导方式区分,助听器分为空气传导式(air conductive)与头骨传导式(born-anchored)两大类,大部分助听器属空气传导式,
3. 缺氧症<在血液和细胞中:anoxemia 缺氧血症 | anoxia 缺氧症<在血液和细胞中 | ANSI = American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会
1. He does not regard seriously plateau anoxia, at the mention of which people from inland will turn pale.
1. severe hypoxia
absence of oxygen in inspired gases or in arterial blood or in the tissues