



第三人称复数:antelopes; antelope

antelopes 基本解释
羚羊( antelope的名词复数 );羚羊皮革;
antelopes 网络解释

1. 牛科:Antilocapridae 叉角羚科 Pronghorn | Bovidae 牛科 Antelopes, cattle, duikers, gazelles, goats, sheep, etc. | Addax nasomaculatus 弓角羚羊

antelopes 单语例句

1. And Cega said efforts to combat poaching had also reaped benefits in recent years, with the number of Tibetan antelopes steadily increasing.

2. Except for the dashing antelopes painted on its sides, the Jinbei van looks like thousands of other minibuses cavorting through the streets of Beijing.

3. Zoologists said Tibetan antelopes are easily disturbed by even the slightest sound, yet the ones in Liu's photo were perfectly calm.

4. The enclosure of the pastures by the local herdsmen has blocked the antelopes'migration route, making genetic exchanges among different groups impossible and inbreeding unavoidable.

5. The other problem concerning SEPA is whether or not the freedom of migration of Tibetan antelopes will be influenced.

6. Tibetan antelopes are poached because of the high price of their fur, which is used for shawls that sell for thousands of US dollars.

7. The experts'group is scheduled to meet in November and also find ways to check trafficking of animal parts and poaching of tigers and antelopes.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. " The Tibetan antelopes and the third party inspector are our bosses, " some construction workers commented to the newspaper.

9. The rest of China's saiga antelope were bred from these imported antelopes.

10. In African qualifying, the Black Antelopes finished ahead of Nigeria to reach the tournament.