
antics [ˈæntɪks] [ˈæntiks] 





antics 基本解释

名词古怪、可笑的举动,滑稽动作; 古怪姿态; 愚蠢的、可能会带来问题的行为

antics 网络解释

1. 滑稽的动作:anticorrosive 防蚀的 | antics 滑稽的动作 | anticyclone 反气旋

2. 滑稽的动作, 古怪的姿态:anticryptic coloration || 抗隐藏色 | antics || 滑稽的动作, 古怪的姿态 | anticurl coating || 防卷曲层

3. 古怪滑稽的动作:dietetics 饮食学,营养学 | antics 古怪滑稽的动作 | orthodontics 畸齿矫正学

4. 滑稽动作:他的走是双赢的 his move was beneficial all round | 滑稽动作 antics | 年轻美貌的女人 dolly-birds

antics 词典解释

1. 滑稽动作;愚蠢行为;古怪举动
    Antics are funny, silly, or unusual ways of behaving.

    e.g. Elizabeth tolerated Sarah's antics.

antics 单语例句

1. antics的意思

1. Tempted by the playful antics of that adorable kitten in the pet shop?

2. The antics were widely mocked but Cruise was unfazed and continued to avow his affection for Holmes.

3. Wang is sought after by youngsters for his populist humor, which takes aim at everything from social phenomena and politics to celebrity antics.

4. antics的近义词

4. This reinterpretation features " improvised dialogue ", coupled with clowns'hilarious antics.

5. antics在线翻译

5. Plenty of other companies already offer similar tools for creating and maintaining Web logs that track everything from workday antics to political gossip.

6. She and her headstrong American roommate Sylvia have just moved into an apartment and find themselves hosts to the antics of their friends.

7. Japan should carefully consider the way it is pushing the envelop with its antics concerning the Diaoyu Islands and refrain from inflammatory words and deeds.

8. The Clintons'antics convinced at least one major backer that Hillary's public pledges that she won't enter next year's race don't mean much.

9. Tai chi is a peaceful alternative to the wild antics of aerobics and is attracting new followers each day.

10. The developer invited the eight people to pester the owners with their antics including cursing at them.