
anywhere [ˈeniweə(r)]  [ˈeniwer] 

anywhere 基本解释

副词任何地方; 什么地方; 无论何处; 〈口〉(用于否定句〕根本(不)

anywhere 相关例句


1. She isn't anywhere near as generous as her sister.

2. Did you go anywhere yesterday?

3. We'll go anywhere you like.

4. I didn't go anywhere yesterday.


1. We welcome guests from anywhere.

anywhere 情景对话



A:Let’s go to Wangfujing by bus.

B:Better take the subway. It’s faster, and more convenient.

A:O.K, it will be a new experience for me.

B:We have a rather comprehensive subway system here. You can get almost anywhere rather quickly on a subway, especially at this time of day when the traffic is heavy…

A:Where do we pay the fare?

B:Just give the man standing there 3 yuan and he’ll give you a token. Then, you slip it into the slot at the turnstile and push the turnstile to get in.
      给售票员3 元,他会给你一张辅币。你在入口处那儿把辅币塞进投币孔,就能推转门去了。

A:Let me pay for it. Where can I get a subway map?

B:Ask the worker who sells tokens to give you one. It’s free of charge. Actually maps showing subway routes are posted at most stations.

A:Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains?

B:No, you don’t have to. Here comes the train.

A:Be careful! Subway doors open and close automatically.


A:Excuse me, could you help me?

B:Yes. What seems to be the problem?

A:Well, I was wondering if anyone has turned in a passport.

B:I'm afraid not. Have you lost your passport?

A:I think so. I can't find it anywhere in my hotel room, and I remember the last place I used it yesterday was in this department store.

B:Where exactly did you use your passport in the store?

A:In the suit-dress department. I had to show it to pay for these dresses with my traveler's checks.

B:Well, let me call the suit-dress department to see if they've found a passport.Sorry-your passport's not been turned in there, either.

A:Then what shall I do?

B:You can fill in this lost property report, and I'll keep my eye out for it. Those kinds of things usually turn up eventually, but I suggest you contact your embassy and tell them about your situation, so they can issue you a new passport in case it doesn't show up.

A:You're right. Do you have a pen?

B:Here you are.

A:Oh, I seem to lose something every time I travel.

anywhere 网络解释


1. 在任何地方:通软联合致力于成为成为创新的,具有国际竞争力的统一通信产品和服务提供领航者,我们将为让企业中的任何一个人(anyone)在任何地方(anywhere),任何时间(anytime)使用任何消息设备(any device)都能处理任何一种消息(any informatio

2. 地方:只需开通网络金融业务就可以吸引巨大的客户群体,使得其有能力向其注册地之外向世界各地的潜在客户提供AAA服务,即在任务时候(ANYTIME),任何地方(ANYWHERE),以任何方式(ANYHOW)为客户提供365天的,每天24小时的全天候,全方位的实时服务,

3. 无论何处:I was anything but happy about going. 我根本不喜欢去 | anywhere:无论何处 | You can go anywhere you like. 你可以去你喜欢的任何地方.

anywhere 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. (用于否定句)哪儿,到处(都没有)
    You use anywhere in statements with negative meaning to indicate that a place does not exist.

    e.g. I haven't got anywhere to live...
    e.g. There had never been such a beautiful woman anywhere in the world.

2. (用于疑问句和条件从句)某个地方,哪里
    You use anywhere in questions and conditional clauses to ask or talk about a place without saying exactly where you mean.

    e.g. Did you try to get help from anywhere?...
    e.g. If she wanted to go anywhere at all she had to wait for her father to drive her.

3. (用于描述所谈论的某个地方的词语前)…地方
    You use anywhere before words that indicate the kind of place you are talking about.

    e.g. In America most leisure-time activities are about a million times better than anywhere else...
    e.g. He'll meet you anywhere you want...

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 任何地方;到处
    You use anywhere to refer to a place when you are emphasizing that it could be any of a large number of places.

    e.g. Rachel would have known Julia Stone anywhere.
    e.g. ...jokes that are so funny they always work anywhere.

5. (指某个范围内)任何一点上
    When you do not want to be exact, you use anywhere to refer to a particular range of things.

    e.g. His shoes cost anywhere from $200 up...
    e.g. My visits lasted anywhere from three weeks to two months.

6. (用于强调)根本,一点儿,将近,几乎
    You use anywhere in expressions such as anywhere near and anywhere close to to emphasize a statement that you are making.

    e.g. There weren't anywhere near enough empty boxes...
    e.g. The only one who's anywhere close to the truth is my mother.

7. 毫无进展;毫无成就
    If you say that someone or something is not getting anywhere or is not going anywhere, you mean that they are not making progress or achieving a satisfactory result.

    e.g. The conversation did not seem to be getting anywhere...
    e.g. I didn't see that my career as a film-maker was going anywhere.

Anywhere is mainly used in questions and negative sentences. You use not anywhere instead of somewhere in negative sentences. He isn't going anywhere.
anywhere主要用于疑问句和否定句。在否定句中,用not anywhere代替somewhere:He isn't going anywhere(他哪儿也不去)。
anywhere 单语例句

1. Customers in the US could shop and buy the device anywhere they are and pick up their purchase at any Apple retail store.

2. " It's not anywhere near as significant as if they called an emergency OPEC meeting, " he said.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. The best thing about having a motorcycle in Beijing is that it can take you anywhere.

4. It was later revealed that she had not raised anywhere close to this amount at a party she held in Cannes for the purpose.

5. anywhere

5. " Police officers can carry guns anywhere in the US, " he said.

6. " You still can't get a cheeseburger anywhere in town, " Gilley says.

7. But what we both discovered was that anywhere could be Chinatown if you knew how to look.

8. I have learned more about China and the Chinese language stationed on a bar stool next to a Chinese chum than anywhere else.

9. People here have employed clever ways to watch the relay that I have not witnessed anywhere else in the country.

10. anywhere的近义词

10. Pei is used to not drinking water most of the morning, since no public toilets are anywhere close by.

anywhere 英英释义


1. at or in or to any place
    (`anyplace' is used informally for `anywhere')

    e.g. you can find this food anywhere

    Synonym: anyplace