
apathetic [ˌæpəˈθetɪk]  [ˌæpəˈθɛtɪk] 

apathetic 基本解释

形容词无动于衷的; 冷淡的; 无感情的; 无兴趣的

apathetic 同义词



apathetic 反义词


apathetic 网络解释

1. 冷:韩国最具人气的安七炫,冷酷`俊美的面容,透露出冰冷(Apathetic)的眼神.月光(Moonlight)下. Kang ta炫着迷人的舞步,黑暗中的独舞拥有更多的光彩--绚烂更胜过面具的华丽,飘渺更赛过舞衣的飞扬.

2. 冷漠:内向性的情绪与行为问题,如害羞、退怯、自卑、焦虑、恐惧、躲避群体(离群索居)、哀伤、忧郁、冷漠(apathetic)、过度敏感(担心)、固执等;偏外向性的情绪与行为问题,如抗拒、攻击、破坏、过动、暴躁、谴责、侵犯财物、及违规行为等问题 (侯祯塘,1999;

3. 缺乏兴趣,冷淡的:antipathy 憎恶,反感 | apathetic 缺乏兴趣,冷淡的 | apathy 缺乏情感,冷淡

4. 无动于衷:anxious 焦虑 | apathetic 无动于衷 | artistic 艺术的

apathetic 词典解释

1. 漠然的;漠不关心的;无动于衷的
    If you describe someone as apathetic, you are criticizing them because they do not seem to be interested in or enthusiastic about doing anything.

    e.g. Even the most apathetic students are beginning to sit up and listen...
    e.g. Others feel apathetic about the candidates in both parties.

apathetic 单语例句

1. apathetic什么意思

1. So even though there is no Chinese team at the Cup, don't expect the Chinese to be apathetic.

2. There is nothing demeaning in government leaders paying heed to grievances, but it is deplorable if they become apathetic to people's concerns.

3. apathetic的解释

3. Heavy school work and intense competition for higher education have led to some youngsters becoming apathetic and indifferent to others'feelings.

4. Wallace expects to get a little emotional during his return, but joked that only an apathetic crowd would disappoint him.

5. Because of the drugs her mind was going slower and she was becoming apathetic towards everything and everybody around her.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. McMahon's remarks followed a new survey by Nuffield Health, which found that many obese people are still unconcerned and apathetic about their weight.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. The only real threat to Putin's triumph would be apathetic Russian voters failing to turn out in large enough numbers.

8. It is thus easy to understand why the Dalai Lama has remained silent and apathetic toward the deaths and injuries resulting from these tragic events.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. The post has angered most netizens, who condemn the nurse for being apathetic and insensitive.

10. apathetic什么意思

10. They evoke a grave, rational and apathetic world where the artist remains a detached observer.