
aplomb [əˈplɒm]  [əˈplɑ:m] 

aplomb 基本解释


aplomb 网络解释

1. 镇静,沉着:14. provisionally 暂时的,临时的 | 15. aplomb 镇静,沉着 | 16. restraint 抑制,克制,谨慎

2. 沉着:aplite 半花岗岩 | aplomb 沉着 | apnea 窒息

3. 沉着,镇静:limb 肢,臂,翼;树枝 | aplomb 沉着,镇静 | hecatomb 大屠杀,百牛大祭

aplomb 词典解释

1. 沉着;镇定;从容不迫;泰然自若
    If you do something with aplomb, you do it with confidence in a relaxed way.

    e.g. The whole cast executed the production with truly professional aplomb.

aplomb 单语例句

1. The team that handles adversity with the most aplomb will take a big step towards victory.

2. And Federer performs it all with his customary aplomb, courtesy and patience.

3. aplomb的近义词

3. Robinho then grabbed his fourth goal of the season on 16 minutes dispatching with aplomb after a pass from Raul.

4. It's the underlying theme of most superhero movies, but Hellboy II makes the point with more witty aplomb than most.

5. He did so with perfect aplomb and without making unattainable targets, showing that he had good grasp of future governance.

6. Zhu noticed that Qiu handled his homemade slingshot with aplomb and rarely missed his target.

7. It is a challenge that the Shanghai municipal government has faced up to with aplomb.

aplomb 英英释义



1. great coolness and composure under strain

    e.g. keep your cool

    Synonym: assuredness cool poise sang-froid