1. 新约外传:新约外传,(apocrypha)真实性(或权威性)可疑的著作 的英文翻译短语:[新约外传,(apocrypha)真实性(或权威性)可疑的著作 ]新约外传,(apocrypha)真实性(或权威性)可疑的著作 : Apocrypha
1. Not Quite Hollywood offers anecdotes, apocrypha and gags in quick succession.
1. 14 books of the Old Testament included in the Vulgate (except for II Esdras) but omitted in Jewish and Protestant versions of the Bible
eastern Christian churches (except the Coptic Church) accept all these books as canonical
the Russian Orthodox Church accepts these texts as divinely inspired but does not grant them the same status