1. 囊托:根霉属真菌主要外观特徵为具有假根(rhizoid)及匍匐菌丝(stolon). 孢子囊柄(sporangiophore)以单支或数支成束的方式自匍匐菌丝长出,孢子囊柄基部往往与假根基部相对. 孢子囊有囊轴(columella),囊领(collarette),囊托(apophysis)等构造、成熟时呈现灰色至褐色.
2. 岩枝:apophyse 岩枝 | apophysis 岩枝 | apparatus 频
3. 蒴托:apomixis 无融合生殖 | apophysis 蒴托 | aposematic colouration 警戒色
4. 骨凸:aponeurosis 腱膜 | apophysis 骨凸 | apophyte 固有栽培植物
1. (anatomy) a natural outgrowth or projection on an organ or body part such as the process of a vertebra
2. (botany) a natural swelling or enlargement: at the base of the stalk or seta in certain mosses or on the cone scale of certain conifers