1. 背教者:尤里安进渗入渗出君士坦丁堡后受到了热烈欢迎,而他即位后的第一件事便是按君王礼仪同时也按基督教的礼仪安葬他的表兄,但是接下来他的一系列作为却让他永远背上了背教者(Apostate)的骂名.
2. 背教者,变节者:23. apologist: 辩解者. | 24. apostate: 背教者,变节者. | 25. apothecary: 药剂师.
3. 离经叛道者(apo-离开):stable 稳定的不变的,牛棚马厩 | apostate 离经叛道者(apo-离开) | circumstance 环境(circum-周围,周遭)
4. 背教的:apostate 脱党的 | apostate 背教的 | apostate 背教者
1. 叛教者;变节者;脱党者
An apostate is someone who has abandoned their religious faith, political loyalties, or principles.
1. Afghanistan's Taliban insurgents also condemned the knighthood for the " apostate " British writer, who was born into a Muslim family in 1947.