
apotheosis [əˌpɒθiˈəʊsɪs]  [əˌpɑ:θiˈoʊsɪs] 


apotheosis 基本解释


名词神化; 颂扬; 尊为神圣; 美化

apotheosis 网络解释


1. 神化:因此,近代哲学不仅仅是一部观念史,这部思想的传奇不仅仅伴随着科学的兴起、理性的神化(apotheosis)和知识的奠基,它更是一部权力和政治史. 哥白尼(NicolausCopernicus,1473-1543)在临终前发表了著名的<<天体运行论>>,

2. 最高尊崇,崇高理想的达成:Amish 艾美许教派 342 | apotheosis 最高尊崇,崇高理想的达成 342 | born-again 重生的 344

3. 尊为神, 神化, 颂扬, 崇拜, 典范:apothem || 边心距离 | apotheosis || 尊为神, 神化, 颂扬, 崇拜, 典范 | apotheosize || 神化, 封为神

4. 神化,典范:apostrophe 书写中撇号(')(表示省略或所有格) | apotheosis 神化,典范 | appal 使惊骇,使恐怖

apotheosis 词典解释

1. 典型;典范;榜样
    If something is the apotheosis of something else, it is an ideal or typical example of it.

    e.g. The Oriental in Bangkok is the apotheosis of the grand hotel.

2. (事业或人生的)巅峰,顶峰
    If you describe an event or a time as someone's apotheosis, you mean that it was the high point in their career or their life.

    e.g. That night was Richard's apotheosis.

apotheosis 单语例句

1. Our guide then pointed out a fresco of George Washington's apotheosis on the Capitol's ceiling, where the hoary president was surrounded by partying allegorical figures.

apotheosis 英英释义


1. the elevation of a person (as to the status of a god)

    Synonym: deification exaltation

2. model of excellence or perfection of a kind
    one having no equal

    Synonym: ideal paragon nonpareil saint nonesuch nonsuch