
appalling [əˈpɔ:lɪŋ] [əˈpɔ:liŋ] 






appalling 基本解释

形容词可怕的; 骇人听闻的,令人震惊的

appalling 相关例句


1. His ignorance is appalling.

2. When will this appalling war end?

3. It is appalling that so many people evade paying taxes.

4. Mary is an appalling cook.

appalling 网络解释

1. 駭人的:20世纪初,南威尔士煤田因其工资低和骇人的(appalling)工作、生活条件而声名狼藉(notorious). 但在1946年,煤矿业国有化;那时候改进了矿井,改善了条件. 今天,南威尔士的矿工是英国收入最高的工人之一. 威尔士人常可以通过他的名字辨认出来:也许是Jone,

2. (可怕的):牐爏hocking(让人震惊的) | 牐燼ppalling(可怕的) | 牐爑nspeakable(说不出口的)

3. 令人震惊的:panic 惊慌 | appalling 令人震惊的 | arrogant 傲慢的

4. 惊人的:appall 惊恐 | appalling 惊人的 | apparatus 仪器

appalling 词典解释

1. 令人震惊的;使人惊骇的;极为恶劣的
    Something that is appalling is so bad or unpleasant that it shocks you.

    e.g. They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two months.

He says that he understands why they behaved so appallingly...
The detection rate for racial crimes is appallingly low.

2. 非常的;极其严重的
    You can use appalling to emphasize that something is very great or severe.

    e.g. I developed an appalling headache.

It's been an appallingly busy morning.

3. see also: appal

appalling 单语例句

1. However, the appalling collateral damage inflicted upon the Cuban people can hardly be justified.

2. Even more appalling is the practice of gouging out a prisoner's eyes.

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3. And Republican John Mica of Florida held aloft what he called an " absolutely appalling " Toyota report bragging of defusing a safety investigation.

4. appalling的反义词

4. The recent food safety scandals are appalling, to say the least.

5. Police have arrested 168 people accused of operating workers in appalling conditions at small brick kilns and mines in Shanxi and neighboring Henan Province.

6. The demand issued yesterday by a senior State Council official comes after China's appalling work safety record in mines plunged new depths.

7. Left out was any mention of the slow and bundled federal response to Katrina, which angered many Americans and which Bush himself called appalling.

8. So adolescents probably experience shame differently and more deeply, which is why they find their parents so appalling on so many levels.

9. Titillating or visually appalling scenes have long been a staple of the Cannes festival, which has a reputation for European liberalism and unconventional art to uphold.

10. The premier invoked modern and contemporary Taiwan writers to talk about the appalling past of Taiwan and how the people aspired for reunification.

appalling 英英释义


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1. an experience that appalls

    e.g. is it better to view the appalling or merely hear of it?


1. causing consternation

    e.g. appalling conditions

    Synonym: dismaying