
appease [əˈpi:z]  [əˈpiz] 






appease 基本解释


及物动词安抚,缓和; 对…让步; 绥靖,姑息; 满足(欲望)

appease 相关例句


1. Water appeases thirst.

2. They appeased him by saying sorry.

3. It was a blunder for them to try to appease the aggressor.

4. Nothing could appease the crying child.

5. Can you appease the boy's curiosity?

appease 网络解释

1. 安抚:不过煽动能力最好有办法解决掉,配合上安抚(Appease)能力的生物在中期牺牲掉钩刺长脚蜘蛛可以确保他不会活太久;只是主系列的另外两个三点生物相较起来比较没有这种麻烦.

2. 使平静,缓和:appeal 吸引力,恳求 | appease 使平静,缓和 | append 附加

3. 缓和、平息(动词):The post office is adjacent to the bank. 那邮局在银行的旁边. | appease缓和、平息(动词) | This food should appease his hunger. 这些食物应该会让他感到比较不饥饿了.

appease 词典解释

1. 平息;安抚;抚慰
    If you try to appease someone, you try to stop them from being angry by giving them what they want.

    e.g. Gandhi was accused by some of trying to appease both factions of the electorate...
    e.g. The offer has not appeased separatists.

Not many such appeasers were left in 1941.
appease 单语例句

1. Adapting movies from popular books is always dangerous as filmmakers struggle to appease passionate readers and at the same time appeal to a broad audience.

2. The Russian Government had to find a solution to appease both China and Japan.

3. appease什么意思

3. The frog marriage is a traditional ritual observed by the rural folk to appease the gods to bring in rain and ensure a good harvest.

4. appease的反义词

4. Legend has it that villagers offered zongzi to appease the river dragon and beat drums to keep evil spirits at bay.

5. appease在线翻译

5. Attempts to deceive the green groups will not only fail to appease the protestors, but also be detrimental to the companies'interests in the long term.

6. appease在线翻译

6. Japan is just posturing for internal political reasons, just like TW's leadership was posturing to appease certain groups in their base.

7. Disclosing such figures will not just dispel people's suspicions and appease their grievances but also make it possible for people to supervise the government.

8. appease的近义词

8. The restaurant boss refused to pay compensation to the victims and demanded that the waiter drink the same disinfectant solution to appease Qian.

9. You put out sweet treats to appease the roaming spirits or ghosts that may do mischief if they are not properly acknowledged.

10. appease是什么意思

10. The goal is to not only ease congestion but also appease the more than 3 million annual visitors who are vital to the city's economy.

appease 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. make peace with

    Synonym: propitiate

2. overcome or allay

    e.g. quell my hunger

    Synonym: quell stay

3. cause to be more favorably inclined
    gain the good will of

    e.g. She managed to mollify the angry customer

    Synonym: pacify lenify conciliate assuage mollify placate gentle gruntle