
appendage [əˈpendɪdʒ]  [əˈpɛndɪdʒ] 



appendage 基本解释

名词附属物; 依附的人; <生>附属器官; 附属肢体(如臂、腿、尾等)

appendage 网络解释

1. 附属物:雌雄同株可以土半夏为例说明(右图),从佛焰花序基部往上看,最基部是雌花(E),中间隔著没有生殖功能的突起,此突起称不孕性花(中性花,D),再往上是雄花,雄花上端的突起称为附属物(appendage) ( B ),附属物的变化非常大,有各种类型,

2. 附肢:概述 附肢 (appendage)体躯具有分节的附肢是节肢动物共同的特点,昆虫在胚胎发育时几乎各体节均有1对可以发育成附肢的管状外长物或突起,到胚后发育阶段,一部分体节的附肢已经消失,一部分体节的附肢特化为不同功能的器官.

3. 附件,附器:apparatus forceps 器械钳 | appendage 附件,附器 | appendectomy forceps阑尾切除钳

4. 附体:anti-rolling tank 减摇水舱 | appendage 附体 | artisan 技工

appendage 词典解释

1. 附属物;附加物
    An appendage is something that is joined to or connected with something larger or more important.

    e.g. ...the growing demand in Wales for recognition that it was not just an appendage to England...
    e.g. Macmillan must have loathed being judged as a mere appendage to domestic politics.

appendage 单语例句

1. appendage什么意思

1. So why would an ancient, proud culture - with mainly monosyllabic names - want an appendage so alien?

2. appendage

2. Agricultural development had long been held as an appendage to industrial development.

3. Forget your animal appendage tonics - romance starts with a state of the mind, and the trick is to feed the imagination.

4. The global financial crisis denied tens of thousands of workers across the world even the right to be " an appendage of the machine ".

appendage 英英释义


1. a part that is joined to something larger

2. appendage的解释

2. a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant

    e.g. a bony process

    Synonym: process outgrowth

3. an external body part that projects from the body

    e.g. it is important to keep the extremities warm

    Synonym: extremity member