


appetizers 基本解释
开胃品( appetizer的名词复数 );促进食欲的活动;刺激欲望的东西;吊胃口的东西;
appetizers 网络解释

1. 前菜:* 在餐厅当我们打开菜单时,可以看到里面大致上分成前菜(appetizers)、汤(soups)、沙拉(salads)、主菜(main plates or entrees)、甜点(desserts)和饮料(drinks)这几项﹔此外,依照每家餐厅的特色不同˙还会有些面点类(pasta)或是单点类(a la carte)等选项.

2. 头盆:(1)头盆(appetizers)头盆就是开餐的第一道菜,旨在开胃,所以又称开胃品或开胃菜,一般数量较少. 头盆又分为冷头盆和热头盆. 头盆常用中、小型盘子或鸡尾酒杯盛装. 色彩鲜(2)汤类(soups)西菜中的汤类花色品种很多,大致可分为冷汤类和热汤类,

3. 开胃菜:通常一餐完整的西餐主要由以下几部分组成: 一、 开胃菜(Appetizers) 也称作开胃品、头盘、头盆或餐前小食品,是西餐的第一道菜. 数量较少,质量较高,装饰精美,口味以酸、咸为主,清新爽口,色泽鲜艳,具有开胃和刺激食欲的作用,

4. 开胃小菜:前菜(这是我的翻译方式,一些资料里翻作冷菜或头盘菜)通常可细分为:开胃小菜(Appetizers)称为第一道菜(也叫头盘菜-the first course). 色拉(Salad)称为第二道菜(the second course). 上文提到开胃小菜的英文Appetizer是美式用法.

appetizers 单语例句

1. One of the unique appetizers of autumn menu on offer is stuffed and braised savory cabbage.

2. appetizers什么意思

2. They are delicious as appetizers or cocktail snacks and is probably what I term our Asian tapas collection.

3. Fresh vegetables with sweet bean paste and sliced spiced beef shank are good cold appetizers to start.

4. Although they specialize in paella, they haven't forgotten about the complimentary appetizers and soups that round out a Spanish meal.

5. appetizers的翻译

5. Southerners like their vegetables hot off the wok, and limit cold dishes to little plates of appetizers served before the main courses.

6. The appetizers always include a salad and the mains have at least one fish or one meat dish.

7. Dozens of Lebanese sit at tables piled with Mediterranean appetizers, puffing on sleek golden water pipes and tapping their feet to an Arab pop singer.

8. A complementing oval shaped island bar displays assorted salads and appetizers, the freshest seafood on ice and a tempting selection of desserts and homemade ice creams.

9. The meal began with assorted appetizers such as barbecued pork, presented with the 2007 edition.

10. The meal starts off with an assortment of free cold appetizers to sample while ordering.