
appraisal [əˈpreɪzl]  [əˈprezəl] 



appraisal 基本解释

名词评价,估量; 鉴定,估价(尤指估价财产,以便征税)

appraisal 相关例句



1. The collector made an appraisal of $2000 on the drawing.

appraisal 网络解释


1. 鉴定:ROAME由计划中各个要素的首字母构成:基本理由(Rationale)、目标(Objectives)、鉴定(Appraisal)、监控(Monitoring)和评价(Evaluation). 它是提交研究计划申请和评价受资助计划的标准格式,既有利于申请人从上述5个方面考虑如何提出申请计划,

2. 估价:物 业估价(appraisal)有别於政府估值(B.C. Property Assessment). 政府估值是在前一年做的,例如业主在2008年初收到的政府估值单是在2007年做评估的. 政府是根据同区的买卖来评估这间物业 的价值,以同一幢类似房屋、楼龄、尺寸等等,

3. 评价:重新甄审要求课程小组写一份自我评价(appraisal)报告. 报告应阐明课程的全面情况,并说明从甄审或上次重新甄审以来的运行和进展情况. 前者与课程甄审的内容相仿,后者主要就是本文上一段中提到的在重新甄审时应作出评估的各方面的情况.

appraisal 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 评价;评估;估量
    If you make an appraisal of something, you consider it carefully and form an opinion about it.

    e.g. What is needed in such cases is a calm appraisal of the situation...
    e.g. Self-appraisal is never easy.

2. appraisal的意思

2. (官方或正式的常带考核性质的)评定,评价
    Appraisal is the official or formal assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of someone or something. Appraisal often involves observation or some kind of testing.

    e.g. Staff problems should be addressed through training and appraisals.
    e.g. appraisal of your financial standing.

appraisal 单语例句

1. Liu said the SOA will work out a sound oceanic ecological appraisal system nationwide and actively promote compensation for damage to oceanic zoology.

2. appraisal的翻译

2. CPPCC members suggested that the adaptable ability of graduates to the job market should be taken as an important item of the education quality appraisal.

3. appraisal的意思

3. The Shanhaiguan Ancient City Relics Protection Plan has passed appraisal by a group of experts from the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.

4. The CPC Central Committee Political Bureau decided Monday that the Party will reform its appraisal system on officials on the basis of merit and transparency.

5. Environmental Minister Zhou Shengxian has vowed to gradually make the air quality appraisal system conform to internationally recognized standards.

6. appraisal的反义词

6. All contesting works shall enjoy equal rights of appraisal in the evaluation process.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. Coupled with a new appraisal system on overseas investment by domestic companies, the administration is shifting its focus to monitoring.

8. appraisal的解释

8. The authorities said after a judicial appraisal that he should only have to take limited criminal responsibility.

9. A regulation on environment appraisal was also submitted to the Office of Legislative Affairs of the State Council.

10. An appraisal center affiliated to the China Photographers Society said on Sunday a team of photographic experts concluded the pictures were fake.

appraisal 英英释义



1. an expert estimation of the quality, quantity, and other characteristics of someone or something

2. the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth

    Synonym: assessment

3. appraisal

3. a document appraising the value of something (as for insurance or taxation)

    Synonym: estimate estimation