
apprehend [ˌæprɪˈhend]  [ˌæprɪˈhɛnd] 







apprehend 基本解释


及物动词理解; 逮捕,拘押; 忧虑

不及物动词理解; 担心

apprehend 网络解释


1. 理解:脑子里装下这部作品的宏大和精致对于听众而言就是一种考验了,更何况是一个人不仅仅理解(apprehend)了这部作品,而且要comprehend以下呈现给我们. 我们记忆力的贝多芬小提琴协奏曲大多来自上个世纪的大师,

2. 逮捕,忧惧:appraise 鉴别,评价 | apprehend 逮捕,忧惧 | approbate 认可,赞成

3. 领悟,理解:11. lapse 时间的推移/消逝 | 12. apprehend 领悟,理解 | 13. instill (慢慢地)滴注,灌输

apprehend 词典解释

1. 逮捕;拘押
    If the police apprehend someone, they catch them and arrest them.

    e.g. Police have not apprehended her killer.

2. 了解;明白
    If you apprehend something, you understand it fully.

    e.g. Only now can I begin to apprehend the power of these forces.

apprehend 单语例句

1. The man beat a gong to advertise his wares, but fled before the public security bureau could apprehend him.

2. On Thursday afternoon, a group of drug traffickers shot at police who were attempting to apprehend them.

3. Another is Beijing's apparent inability to apprehend how its growing muscularity looks in Asia, and its apparent inability to believably reassure other nations about its peaceful intentions.

4. We applaud the website host for helping apprehend a person who may be guilty.

5. According to the Hoover plan, the FBI would " apprehend all individuals potentially dangerous " to national security.

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6. The organization's Web site promotes efforts to apprehend and penalize drunk drivers, but also notes voluntary server training and other efforts by restaurants to discourage drunk driving.

7. US troops have broad authority under a UN mandate to apprehend people deemed a security threat and hold them indefinitely without charge.

8. While acclaiming Zhang's attempt to apprehend the two robbers, a lawyer representing the pair insisted he should have given them a chance to repent.

9. An old man called police to apprehend his son after mistakenly assuming his son was robbing his house.

10. Police say a " less than lethal munition " was used against Hill as they tried to apprehend him just before he apparently took his life.

apprehend 英英释义


1. get the meaning of something

    e.g. Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?

    Synonym: grok get the picture comprehend savvy dig grasp compass

2. take into custody

    e.g. the police nabbed the suspected criminals

    Synonym: collar nail arrest pick up nab cop

3. anticipate with dread or anxiety

    Synonym: quail at