1. 适当性:即语言文字具有核心地带与边缘地带,为此,使用自然语言的法律必然也具有这种空缺结构;其二是评价意义上的,人类预见未来的能力有局限性,对目的认知也相对模糊,人类社会又有确定性(certainty)与适当性(appropriateness)这两种相互冲突的需要,
2. 合适性:2)可行性(feasibility)程度:指个人心理方面的语言容量(个人的记性和认知3)合适性(appropriateness)程度:指交际中言语行为的得体表达(如对交际背景、目的、常规、参加者等因素的合理考虑
3. 适切性:语用学从话语的适切性(appropriateness)的角度关注预设的两个重要语用特征,即合适性与共知性. 预设的这两个特征也同时决定了它对言语交际主体言语行为的制约性. 因此,预设可以看作人类言语交际活动中的一个变量,
1. Police officers say parents should be cautious about their children applying and using ID cards, especially those kids of very young ages where appropriateness could be questionable.
2. appropriateness的解释
2. The emphasis that Yi put on the fundamental function of China's foreign exchange policy provides a key criterion to measure their appropriateness.
3. Titled Institutional Appropriateness and Economic Development - Development Economics Based on Chinese Practices, it draws on Li's years of work in macro and micro economic management.
4. A decade ago, there were debates about the appropriateness of importing a noticeably foreign holiday into China.
5. He believes having the ministry supervise operation of the theatre will ensure the ethnic and cultural appropriateness of the performances.
6. White House officials were deciding the merits and appropriateness of releasing a photo of bin Laden's body.
7. We are taught about " appropriateness " on our Exercise to Music RSA basic fitness instructor training.
8. " I'm going to reserve any comments about the appropriateness or not of the president's choice, " he told reporters.
9. In spite of his relative novelty in the IT area, he at least raised a question about appropriateness.
10. There have been media reports about the appropriateness of these " massage parlors " all around the country.
1. the quality of being specially suitable
2. appropriate conduct
doing the right thing
Synonym: rightness