
aquifers [æk'waɪfəz]  [æk'waɪfəz] 


aquifers 基本解释
地下蓄水层,砂石含水层( aquifer的名词复数 );
aquifers 网络解释

1. 蓄水層:地球的淡水资源有限,主要出现在蓄水层(aquifers)、表面流(surface waters)和大气层中. 海水有时被误认为是可用水,但其实由於将咸水转化为饮用水需要巨大的能量,所以世界上只有极少部分淡水是来自海水淡化.

2. 含水层:最新的美国国家水质报告对大陆地下含水层(aquifers)中的VOCs (volatile organic compounds, 挥发性有机污染物)进行了评估. 其中,含氯副产物(chlorine byproducts)含量最高. 此外还含有四氯乙烯(tetrachloroethylene),

aquifers 单语例句

1. There are two water plants in the county, with sources originating from both the Yellow River and underground aquifers.

2. Allowing more rainwater to seep into the ground and recharge underground aquifers is another way to beat the shortage.

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3. Most lack liners and have no monitors to ensure that ash and its contents don't seep into underground aquifers.

4. Once underground water reservoirs or aquifers are polluted, their use becomes much more restricted.

5. He pointed to the current low levels of aquifers in Shanghai as a prime example of the problems China faces.